Wednesday 14 October 2009


You've all done seriously great work so far, and have been putting in a lot of your own time, (which hasn't gone unnoticed) and we appreciate your patience when we try to explain something we envision to look like. I suppose I should write something nice about Edgley as he can't write it for himself.

So far you've probably already drawn about 3,000 decent images for your characters and environments, most people would be happy with a few to the quality you achieve. You're closing in on a style that is undoubtedly you and have made leaps of improvement in developing your film. I know you feel it soul destroying to think about having to change something you already thought you'd finalized, but remember this was always suppose to be hard, otherwise anyone could do it. I've no doubt you'll finish this film to a standard that excels most others, driven by your fierce determination and natural flare.


  1. Good speech, but you did spell finalised with a Z

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Good comment, but you did finish your sentence with out a full stop.
