Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Edgleys Moral Post

Ok. I know I was in a bad mood today, things on my mind, Ed pissing me off etc. Anyway I want to say a few things...


Mate, you've slotted into the team so well. You've been in everyday, sorting stuff out and getting on with it. Concepting was never your thing, yet you've churned out some awesome designs which take pride of place on our board. Recently you've become R&D man which is a job I never really thought about, but its vital. Figuring out all the technical problems we will face in advance is not just clever on your part, but will save us immense time in production. The wire tests look sweet, so keep at it man!


Again, perfect team member. You've become realiable and hilarious to work with. The work you've been producing is to a proffessional standard mate, and to be honest I never thought you were capable of it. You need to have more belief in your abilities because I couldn't do half the concepts you've done. You modellled, textured and lit a ward in 3 days! Thats unreal. Okay, you textured and lit in PS, but even so it looks stunning. I dont even need to mention the amount of work you've put into Splay as well. Plus you provide cans of drink and mum jokes every day. Keep going grigmeister!


S***bag! As a producer, you are sorting us out so far mate. You've been hammering home deadlines and keeping us all on track with the schedule. As well as getting on everyones back, you have been jumping between projects and giving your classic advice and wisdom. I honestly think both projects would be completely different if you weren't around. Splay would be about circles falling in love, and mine would be about a fruit slinging maniac. Decisions are so important, and luckily for us, you love to deal with them. Add concepting, animation tests, thumbnailing, and flash animatics to the list and you've got a pretty damn good team member.


Sometimes I wonder, what have you done for us, especially with no gold stars under your belt until today. However, you have done moreeeee than enough! You touch the keyboard and out comes a concept, its scary. You were born to direct Splay, its your baby, and its shaping up mighty fine. I think everyone is working to create the vision in your head, and your doing a great job guiding us. You worked harder than any of us on your project over summer, and filled half the board on the first day with concepts, I really dont understand how you failed to achieve a gold star until today (of course I'd never admit that to your face - I want one). Seriosuly Brooks, carry on like this and you're going to have to splash out serious amounts of cash entering Splay into every festival out there, cause it will win.


Working on 3 projects must be hard pal, but some how your dealing with it! You seem to knock out these top quality paintings for both of us regularly, so well played man. All I can say is keep at it mate, your portfolio next year is going to be ridiculous! Im looking forward to gaining your help with texturing in production, as I think you know exactly what Im going for now. Thanks for all the effort so far mate. Help hitman now, they deserve some of your magic touch!

I wouldnt be a good director if I didnt tell you guys what I think. This post was meant as a thankyou, a pep talk, and hopefully to restore some moral. Keep going guys, Im grateful.



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